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Iowa Public Information Board

Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB)

The Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB) is an independent state agency that is responsible for overseeing the Iowa Open Records Act and the Iowa Open Meetings Act. The IPIB was created by the Iowa Legislature in 1980, and it is composed of five members who are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the Iowa Senate.

The IPIB's mission is to ensure that the public has access to government information and that government meetings are open to the public. The IPIB does this by issuing advisory opinions on the Iowa Open Records Act and the Iowa Open Meetings Act, and by conducting investigations into alleged violations of these laws.

The IPIB also provides training to government officials on the requirements of the Iowa Open Records Act and the Iowa Open Meetings Act. The IPIB's website also contains a number of resources for the public, including information on how to request public records and how to attend government meetings.

Iowa Open Records Act

The Iowa Open Records Act guarantees the public's right to access government records. The law applies to all state and local government agencies in Iowa.

Under the Iowa Open Records Act, members of the public have the right to request and inspect copies of government records. The law requires government agencies to respond to requests for public records within ten business days.

The Iowa Open Records Act exempts certain types of records from disclosure, such as records that are confidential for reasons of personal privacy, national security, or law enforcement. However, the law also requires government agencies to justify any exemptions that they claim.

Iowa Open Meetings Act

The Iowa Open Meetings Act guarantees the public's right to attend and participate in government meetings. The law applies to all state and local government bodies in Iowa.

Under the Iowa Open Meetings Act, all meetings of government bodies must be open to the public. The law also requires government bodies to give adequate notice of their meetings and to publish agendas for their meetings.

The Iowa Open Meetings Act exempts certain types of meetings from the open meetings requirement, such as meetings that are held to discuss confidential matters or to meet with an attorney. However, the law requires government bodies to justify any exemptions that they claim.

How to file a complaint with the IPIB

If you believe that a government agency has violated the Iowa Open Records Act or the Iowa Open Meetings Act, you can file a complaint with the IPIB.

To file a complaint, you must submit a written complaint to the IPIB. The complaint must state the nature of the alleged violation and must provide any supporting evidence that you have.

The IPIB will investigate your complaint and issue an advisory opinion on the matter. The advisory opinion will not be binding on the government agency, but it will provide guidance on the requirements of the law.

If the IPIB finds that a government agency has violated the Iowa Open Records Act or the Iowa Open Meetings Act, the IPIB may recommend that the agency take corrective action. The IPIB may also recommend that the agency be fined.

Importance of the IPIB

The IPIB plays an important role in ensuring that the public has access to government information and that government meetings are open to the public.

The IPIB's advisory opinions provide guidance on the requirements of the Iowa Open Records Act and the Iowa Open Meetings Act. This guidance helps government agencies to comply with the law and helps the public to understand their rights under the law.

The IPIB's investigations also help to ensure that government agencies are complying with the law. When the IPIB finds that a government agency has violated the law, it can recommend that the agency take corrective action and/or be fined.

How to learn more about the IPIB

The IPIB's website contains a number of resources for the public, including information on how to request public records, how to attend government meetings, and how to file a complaint with the IPIB.

The IPIB also offers training to government officials on the requirements of the Iowa Open Records Act and the Iowa Open Meetings Act.


The Iowa Public Information Board (IPIB) is an important agency that helps to ensure that the public has access to government information and that government meetings are open to the public.

If you have any questions about the Iowa Open Records Act or the Iowa Open Meetings Act, or if you believe that a government agency has violated one of these laws, you should contact the IPIB. 

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