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Storm surge • Storm

 Storm surge: A Scottish perspective

Storm surge is a coastal flooding caused by storms. It is caused by the combination of low pressure, strong winds, and high tides. Storm surge can be devastating, causing widespread damage to property and infrastructure. It can also be deadly, as it can sweep people away in its powerful currents.

Scotland is particularly vulnerable to storm surge. The country has a long coastline, and it is exposed to the North Atlantic Ocean, which is known for its powerful storms. In recent years, Scotland has been hit by a number of severe storms, such as Storm Desmond in 2015 and Storm Arwen in 2021. These storms caused significant damage to coastal communities, and they also led to the loss of life.

How storm surge forms

Storm surge forms when a storm's low pressure creates a dome of water over the ocean. The strong winds of the storm then push this dome of water towards the shore. This can cause the sea level to rise by several meters, which can then inundate coastal areas.

The height of the storm surge is influenced by a number of factors, including the strength of the storm, the size and shape of the coastline, and the tidal conditions. Storm surge is typically highest in areas where the coastline is low-lying and where there is a high tide.

The impact of storm surge in Scotland

Storm surge can have a devastating impact on coastal communities in Scotland. When a storm surge inundates a coastal area, it can cause widespread flooding and damage to property and infrastructure. Storm surge can also cause erosion and damage to beaches and coastal defenses.

In addition, storm surge can be deadly. The powerful currents of a storm surge can sweep people away, and the floodwaters can carry debris that can injure or kill people.

Examples of storm surge events in Scotland

In recent years, Scotland has been hit by a number of severe storms that have caused significant storm surge flooding. Some examples of these storms include:

  • Storm Desmond (2015): Storm Desmond caused widespread flooding in the Scottish Borders and Cumbria. The storm surge reached heights of up to 1.5 meters in some areas, and it caused significant damage to properties and infrastructure.
  • Storm Arwen (2021): Storm Arwen caused widespread damage to coastal communities in Scotland. The storm surge reached heights of up to 1.5 meters in some areas, and it caused significant flooding and erosion.

How to protect yourself from storm surge

If you live in a coastal area, it is important to be aware of the risk of storm surge. There are a number of things you can do to protect yourself from storm surge, including:

  • Monitor weather forecasts: Stay up-to-date on the latest weather forecasts and warnings. This will help you to be aware of any potential storm surge events.
  • Have an evacuation plan: If you live in a coastal area that is at risk of storm surge, it is important to have an evacuation plan. This plan should include a route to safety and a list of places where you can stay if you need to evacuate.
  • Secure your property: If a storm surge is forecast, take steps to secure your property. This may include closing doors and windows, boarding up windows, and moving valuables to higher ground.
  • Be aware of your surroundings: If you are in a coastal area during a storm surge, be aware of your surroundings and avoid areas that are at risk of flooding.


Storm surge is a serious hazard that can have a devastating impact on coastal communities. It is important to be aware of the risk of storm surge and to take steps to protect yourself and your property.

Additional tips for staying safe during a storm surge in Scotland

  • If you are evacuating, follow the instructions of the authorities.
  • If you are unable to evacuate, stay in a safe place on the upper floors of your home or in a nearby building.
  • Be aware of the danger of falling power lines and other hazards.
  • If you must go outside, be careful of downed trees and other debris.
  • Stay informed about the latest weather conditions and warnings.

By following these tips, you can help to stay safe during a storm surge in Scotland.

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