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russia vs ukrin latest update

 Official CR Russian forces are preparing for swig of IV

all the developments from the Soviet day of the Russian invoice of Ukraine as they happened.

what you needed to know

Ukraine is a crossing Rasiya of targeting civilians as macros tales ki be a President to stay away as it is sends missile strikes to the capital.

among the civilian site targeted where CIA TV tower and Ukraine main Holocaust Memorial.

a convoy of Russian moch vehicles continue to advance on HIV.

the New Zealand government is providing 2 million as a internal contribution to help deliver humanitarian support to Ukraine country.

beyond that the national party is calling for a humantree visa for Refugee from Ukraine who have family in New Zealand manual the Jains want New Zealand to take 2004 jeep from Ukraine.

live updates as they happened

Russian rocket hit police headquarter in u n i a n news agency reported the building is nearly destroyed and fire fighter are still working to put out the Fire.

blast have been reported across qib as down broke in Ukraine with Russian force looking to in circle the capital of what official fear could be a virtual se of the city The New York Times is reporting.

dubvision administer is working on a focus target cells to register to make certain that cryptocurrency does not become a mission is that most goals in available to utilities to AdWords Samson according to senior administrator official.

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