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rishi sunak wife

 rishi sunak wife :

Rishi Sunak’s wife, Akshata Murthy, is a successful businesswoman and philanthropist. She is the co-founder and director of Catamaran Ventures, an investment firm that manages a portfolio of over $1 billion. She is also the daughter of Indian billionaire N. R. Narayana Murthy, the co-founder of Infosys.

Akshata was born in Bangalore, India, in 1980. She studied economics and philosophy at Stanford University, and then worked as a management consultant at McKinsey & Company. In 2009, she co-founded Catamaran Ventures with her husband.

Akshata is a vocal supporter of education and women's empowerment. She is the co-founder of Akshata Foundation, a charity that supports education and healthcare initiatives in India. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Global Education Fund, a charity that provides scholarships to girls in developing countries.

In addition to her business and philanthropic activities, Akshata is also a mother to two daughters. She and her husband live in London.

Akshata Murthy's commitment to social responsibility

Akshata Murthy is a strong believer in the importance of social responsibility. She has said that she believes that businesses have a responsibility to give back to the communities in which they operate. This is reflected in her work at Catamaran Ventures, where she invests in companies that are making a positive social impact.

For example, Catamaran Ventures has invested in companies that are developing new technologies to improve healthcare and education in developing countries. The firm has also invested in companies that are working to reduce poverty and environmental degradation.

In addition to her work at Catamaran Ventures, Akshata is also personally involved in a number of philanthropic initiatives. She is the co-founder of Akshata Foundation, which supports education and healthcare initiatives in India. She is also a member of the board of directors of the Global Education Fund, which provides scholarships to girls in developing countries.

Akshata's commitment to social responsibility is an inspiration to many. She is a role model for business leaders and philanthropists alike.


Akshata Murthy is a successful businesswoman, philanthropist, and wife of British Chancellor Rishi Sunak. She is a strong advocate for education and women's empowerment. Her commitment to social responsibility is an inspiration to many.

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