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Central Park Zoo • Sea lions • Flood • New York

 Central Park Zoo  Sea lions  Flood  New York

Central Park Zoo Sea Lions: A Flood Perspective

On August 4, 2023, New York City experienced a devastating flood. The flood was caused by a combination of heavy rainfall and storm surge from Hurricane Ida. The flood caused widespread damage to the city, and it also impacted the Central Park Zoo.

The Central Park Zoo is home to a variety of animals, including sea lions. The sea lions are housed in a large enclosure that is located on the southern edge of the zoo. The enclosure includes a pool where the sea lions can swim and play.

During the flood, the sea lion enclosure was flooded with water. The water level was so high that it reached the top of the enclosure's walls. The sea lions were forced to climb onto a platform in order to stay above water.

The zoo staff was able to rescue all of the sea lions from the flood. However, the flood caused significant damage to the sea lion enclosure. The enclosure will need to be repaired before the sea lions can be returned to their home.

The flood at the Central Park Zoo was a reminder of the dangers of climate change. Climate change is causing more frequent and severe weather events, such as floods. These events can have a devastating impact on wildlife and their habitats.

Scots perspective

The flood at the Central Park Zoo was a major news story in Scotland. Many people in Scotland were concerned about the safety of the sea lions, and they were relieved to hear that all of the sea lions had been rescued.

The flood also raised awareness of the dangers of climate change in Scotland. Climate change is a serious threat to Scotland, and it is important to take action to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to the impacts of climate change.

What can be done to help?

There are a number of things that can be done to help the sea lions at the Central Park Zoo and to protect wildlife from the impacts of climate change.

  • Donate to the Central Park Zoo to help them repair the sea lion enclosure and to support their conservation work.
  • Reduce your own carbon footprint by making changes to your lifestyle, such as driving less, eating less meat, and using less energy at home.
  • Support organizations that are working to protect wildlife and to address climate change.


The flood at the Central Park Zoo was a reminder of the dangers of climate change and the importance of protecting wildlife. There are a number of things that can be done to help the sea lions at the Central Park Zoo and to protect wildlife from the impacts of climate change.

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