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supreme court in united states


supreme court in united states :

Supreme Court of the United States
supreme court in united states

U.S. Supreme Court
The Supreme Court of the United States is the highest court in the land and the only part of the federal judiciary specifically required by the Constitution. The Constitution does not stipulate the number of Supreme Court Justices; the number is set instead by Congress.

Court Rejects Appeal to Give American Samoans Citizenship

The Supreme Court on Monday rejected an appeal seeking to give people born in American Samoa U.S. citizenship.

In leaving in place an appeals court decision, the court also passed up an invitation to overturn a series of decisions dating back to 1901 known as the Insular Cases, replete with racist and anti-foreign rhetoric. Justice Neil Gorsuch had called for the cases to be overturned in April.

But the justices refused to take up an appeal from people born in American Samoa, and living in Utah, who argued that a federal law declaring that they are “nationals, but not citizens, of the United States at birth” is unconstitutional.
A trial judge in Utah ruled in their favor, but the federal appeals court in Denver said Congress, not courts, should decide the citizenship issue. The appeals court also noted that American Samoa's elected leaders opposed the lawsuit for fear that it might disrupt their cultural traditions.

The Insular Cases, which arose following the Spanish-American War, dealt with the administration of overseas territories.

In their conclusion that residents of territories had some, but not all, rights under the Constitution, justices wrote in stark racial and xenophobic terms. Citizenship could not be automatically given to "those absolutely unfit to receive it," one justice wrote.

That history prompted Gorsuch to comment in a case involving benefits denied to people who live in Puerto Rico, decided in April. He wrote that the Insular Cases were wrongly decided because they deprived residents of U.S. territories of some constitutional rights.
"It is past time to acknowledge the gravity of this error and admit what we know to be true: The Insular Cases have no foundation in the Constitution and rest instead on racial stereotypes. They have no place in our law," Gorsuch wrote.

The case stems from a lawsuit filed by three American Samoa natives now living in Utah, where they are prohibited from voting or becoming police officers.

The Biden administration joined the American Samoa government in calling for the court to reject the appeal. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar, the administration's top Supreme Court lawyer, wrote that "the government in no way relies on the indefensible and discredited aspects of the Insular Cases' reasoning and rhetoric" that was highlighted in the appeal. 

Top 10 Question :

Where is the Supreme Court United States?

Washington, DC
The Supreme Court Building, located at One First Street, NE, in Washington, DC, is the permanent home of the Court. Completed in 1935, the Building is open to the public Monday–Friday, 9 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. and is closed on weekends and federal holidays.

What is the supreme court of law of the United States?

The Court is the highest tribunal in the Nation for all cases and controversies arising under the Constitution or the laws of the United States.

What is the main purpose of the US Supreme Court?

As the final arbiter of the law, the Court is charged with ensuring the American people the promise of equal justice under law and, thereby, also functions as guardian and interpreter of the Constitution.

How many Supreme Court are there in the US?

Nine Justices
Nine Justices make up the current Supreme Court: one Chief Justice and eight Associate Justices. The Honorable John G. Roberts, Jr., is the 17th Chief Justice of the United States, and there have been 104 Associate Justices in the Court's history.

Who controls the Supreme Court?

Section 1 establishes the Supreme Court of the United States. It gives Congress the power to organize the Supreme Court and to establish lower courts. It also states that justices can serve on the court for as long as they maintain "good Behaviour," and that the justices should be compensated for their service.

What gives the Supreme Court power?

Section 2 of Article III gives the Supreme Court judicial power over “all Cases, in Law and Equity, arising under this Constitution”, meaning that the Supreme Court's main job is to decide if laws are constitutional.

Who protects supreme Justices?

The U.S. Marshals Service
The U.S. Marshals Service continues to provide around-the-clock security for the nine Justices at their homes and has requested additional funding for costs that have been and will be incurred to provide this protection for the rest of Fiscal Year 2022 (FY22).

Do Supreme Court justices have 24 hour security?

Supporters of the legislation said threats to the justices have increased since then, with protesters sometimes gathering outside their homes. Justices were provided 24-hour protection by the U.S. Marshals. The new law expands that protection to their families.

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