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gcp video

 gcp video:

gcp video

Gcp full form Google cloud platform.

Google cloud platform is suite for public cloud computing services offered by Google. the platform includes a range of hosted services of computer, storage and application development that run on Google hardware, Google cloud platform services can be accessed by software developers. Google add minister and other enterprise it professional over the public internet or through a dedicated network connection.

overview of Google cloud platform offering:

Google cloud platform or gcp services for computer storage networking big data machine learning and internet for thing. as well as cloud management security and developer tools, the video Core cloud computing products in Google cloud platform included.

Google computer engine: which is an in fast fracture as a services offering that provided with virtual machine instance for workload hosting.

Google App Engine: which is a platform as a service offering that gives software developers access to Google's searchable hosting. developers can also use a software developer kit to develop software products that run on app engine.

Google cloud storage:

which is a cloud storage platform designed to store large on structured data set. Google also offer database storage option including cloud data store for in a SQL, non relational storage cloud SQL for my SQL fully relation storage and Google's native cloud vegetable database.

Google cloud platform offers application development and Intel extension services. for example google-cloud-pubsub slash Aab is a managed and real-time messaging services that allow message to be exchanged between application. in addition, Google Cloud endpoints allow developers to create services based on result app and then make those services accessible to Apple iOS, Android and JavaScript clients. other offering included any case DNS server direct network inter connections load balancing monitoring and logging services.

high level services:

Google cloud platform to add higher level services Aaj as those related to big data and machine learning it is cloud platform. Google Big Data Services include those for data processing and analytic, the platform also included Google Cloud get up which offer park and hardtop processing.

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