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Kindly read the directions cautiously

The clock will be set at the server. The commencement clock in the upper right corner of screen will show the leftover time accessible for you to finish the assessment. At the point when the clock arrives at nothing, the assessment will end without anyone else. You won't be needed to end or present your assessment.

The Question Palette showed on the right half of screen will show the situation with each question utilizing one of the accompanying images:
The Marked for Review status for an inquiry just shows that you might want to see that question once more.
You can tap on the ">" bolt which appears to one side of inquiry range to fall the inquiry range in this manner amplifying the inquiry window. To see the inquiry range once more, you can tap on "< " which shows up on the right half of inquiry window.
You can tap on your "Profile" picture on upper right corner of your screen to change the language during the test. On clicking of Profile picture you will get a drop-down to change the inquiry content to the ideal language.
You can click on  to explore to the base and  to explore to the highest point of the inquiry region, without looking over.

Exploring to a Question:
To address an inquiry, do the accompanying:
Click on the inquiry number in the Question Palette at the right of your screen to go to that numbered question straightforwardly. By choosing reply to this inquiry and from there on going to the following inquiry straightforwardly from question range doesn't save your response to the current inquiry.

Click on Save and Next to save your response for the current inquiry and afterward go to the following inquiry.

Click on Mark for Review and Next to save your response for the current inquiry, mark it for audit, and afterward go to the following inquiry.

Addressing a Question:

Strategy for noting a various decision type question:

To choose your reply, click on the button of one of the choices

b. To deselect your picked reply, click on the button of the picked choice again or snap on the Clear Response button

To change your picked reply, click on the button of another choice

To save your reply, you MUST tap on the Save and Next button

To check the inquiry for audit, click on the Mark for Review and Next button.
To change your response to an inquiry that has effectively been replied, first select that inquiry for responding to and afterward follow the system for addressing the inquiry.

Exploring through segments:

Segments in this inquiry paper are shown on the top bar of the screen. Inquiries in a part can be seen by tapping on the segment name. The part you are presently seeing is featured.

Subsequent to clicking the Save and Next button on the last inquiry for a segment, you will consequently be taken to the main inquiry of the following area.
You can rearrange among areas and questions whenever during the assessment according to your comfort.
Competitor can see the relating area rundown as a feature of the legend that shows up in each part over the inquiry range.
Guidance for pictures:

To zoom the picture gave in the inquiry turn the cursor over it.

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